25 July 2012

Tech Support My Ass

My cell phone has been giving me the gyp. Calls are constantly being dropped.  Each time I call Tech Support (after the previously dropped Tech Support call) I'm asked for my phone number (which they can read on the display just in front of their beady little eyes, and then I'm asked for my "Pin Number).   NOw let's just blow past this egregious bit of redundancy and get to the meat of the matter.

In a cultured, well-rounded tone, I tell them "It is dear (insert sir/lady here) the first 6 digits of the number pi".  In every case, the response had been a resounding "Huh".

I have now documented in my little book 20 consecutive "Huh"s in a 2 day period, all at the same Tech Center.

I suspect that I would get the same response as to the question "What is the color of the green ground wire on an electrical circuit".

The hard one is: "What is the most importtant part of an electrical motor?"

(Mouse over below for the answer).

It's the data plate

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